I am sitting here in my computer room trying to decide which of my thoughts I will write about today. I am sitting here because I am clueless as how to start to pick up all the papers, pictures, scrapbook cuttings, paints, and more from my unfinished projects. They encompass 3 rooms. I know that if I had a larger house with lots of storage I could hide these better. There is no where else to hide my projects here. Before Christmas I rented storage but now I can not decide what to store. To make such a decision requires the ability to group or catorize. Clearing out the rooms requires the same. For all practical purposes that section of my brain never booted. Have you guessed---I am ADD.
Many believe that when someone says that he is ADD that he is simply making an excuse for being non-productive. Nothing could be further from the truth. I spend more hours working toward an end that never happens than any organized person can ever imagine. Everyday life becomes exhausting, frustrating, and for some hopeless. Fortunately I am above average in intellegance, as most ADD persons are, so I have read. I suppose the reason for this is survival. We must be able to improvise constantly since the 'norm' is somehow beyond our grasp. Adult ADD has become widely recognized in the last decade or three. Could it be that those of us so Diagnosed and tested are rather intellegent because the ones who weren't didn't make it into or past their early adult years??
What do you think??
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